Once again a fresh start for krijnschuurman.com. Actually it’s not a new start; i’m just shifting gear! PHPnuke is a very nice and useful CMS, (especially with communities like JOS4.nl), but I’ve decided to pick up blogging again, so I decided to switch to a blogging CMS. And why not pick the best around? So now this site is running on MovableType. Installation takes some figuring out, but once you’re done, you have something nice to work with. Well, that;s what I’ve heard 🙂
I managed to import most of the old articles, you will find them under ‘opninion‘ and ‘quotes‘. Note that all this stuff is in Dutch.
That brings me to the language issue. I’ve struggled with it a few times earlier, but this time I will adapt to the internet and blogging language, which obviously is English.
By the way, I have already done quite some blogging in the past. My krijnschuurman.com Blogger blog is still to be found, strechted over a fifteen months period january 2002 until april 2003. Moreover, I have been blogging for three and a half years (january 2001 – july 2004) on my other site Netsperience, which is still there, but hasn’t been updated for ages.
I’ve also done some experimenting with moblogging. It’s not straightforward to set it up at all. I used pivot and some scripts, but since I haven’t been carrying my SPV for a while, the moblog has come to an end. For now. You can see what it looked like.
I will post much more about blogs very shortly.
I use this site to publish articles, columns and so on. Remarks and comments are welcome at any time! Put them underneath an article at the comments section or mail me at krijn[at]schuurman.org.
1 reactie
Robert-Jan van Ette · 13 juli 2005 op 12:59
Professionele site voor iemand die moeite heeft met de technologie van de lift 😉